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IJFTMR Volume I, Issue VI, August - 2014



(Paper ID: 06MR300720141)

Usefulness of Web Tools in Supplementing Classroom Teaching


Document Information:


Title: Usefulness of Web Tools in Supplementing Classroom Teaching


Author(s):  Dr. Sunil Shah, Assistant professor, HMPIETR, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Ms. Shabnam Lohani, Assistant Professor, ILSAS, Vallabh Vidyanagar.


Citation: Dr. Sunil Shah & Ms. Shabnam Lohani Usefulness of Web Tools in Supplementing Classroom Teaching", IJFTMR Volume I, Issue VI, August - 2014, Pages: 1-7.


Article type: Research paper


DOI: 26/07/2014!vol-i-issue-v-july-2014/c1o40(Permanent URL)


Publisher:Akshar Publication


Abstract: CBSC an acronym for Choice Based Credit System aims to develop an educational system that helps students to gain practical knowledge, higher order  thinking , analytical skills and other employment oriented skills. CBCS was implemented with the objective of facilitating student centric learning that the education system lacked in. It also aimed at making the curricula interdisciplinary with the integration of concepts, theories, techniques and technology. Thus , it was assumed that through integration and innovations in curricula, learners would become active participants in gaining knowledge and putting the gained knowledge into practical use. However, after the implementation of CBCS at the undergraduate and post graduate level many hurdles have cropped up. Teachers in higher education are finding  it difficult to cope  with time constraints imposed by the system. 

This paper investigates the possibility of using web tools for teaching and assessment in managing the time constraint which is one of the major issues in CBCS . It reports an experiment carried out while teaching an elective course: Critical Thinking for Language Studies at M. A. (ELT) programme of H M Patel Institute of English Training & Research, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Four units of the course were redesigned to meet Self Directed Learning needs and delivered using web 2.0 tools. Some of the topics related to this course were discussed in the classroom as well. The data analysis showed that the students became more aware of developing interaction within the virtual space. On the other hand, the teachers could utilize the classroom time more meaningfully focusing on learning and not merely completion of syllabus.


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(Paper ID: 06MR300720142)

Corpus Linguistics - A Digestive Approach: Meaning, Concept and Classroom Implications


Document Information:


Title:Corpus Linguistics - A Digestive Approach: Meaning, Concept and Classroom Implications


Author(s):  Mr. Ishan V. Pandya, Ad-Hoc lecturer, Department of Mathematics & Humanities, Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya, Vallabh vidyanagar – 388 120,



Citation: Mr. Ishan V. Pandya. "Corpus Linguistics - A Digestive Approach: Meaning, Concept and Classroom Implications", IJFTMR Volume I, Issue VI, August - 2014, Pages: 8-11.


Article type: Research paper


DOI: 26/07/2014!vol-i-issue-v-july-2014/c1o40 (Permanent URL)


Publisher:Akshar Publication


Abstract: This paper discusses a fairly new practical approach in language studies and also the digitalization of dictionary, in detail. It also portrays how digitalized dictionary can be used by the pedagogue in the teaching learning process with reference to different fields such as science, commerce, and language. Further, it throws some light on the definition, scope, concept and educational implications (the role of teacher and students) of corpus linguistics, as yet another approach in language studies and the presenter would illustrate corpora based activities by implementing work-sheet. Concluding remarks denote corpus as a digestive approach that makes a learner digest a language better and a helpful approach to language learning.


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